Technical Information



Sizes shown below are aluminium frame sizes
Please allow 5-10mm clearance when constructing openings

(Height & Width in mm)
(Height & Width in mm)
(Height & Width in mm)
(Height & Width in mm)
Standard 38mm frame Slimline 24mm frame Standard 38mm frame Slimline 24mm frame Standard 38mm frame Slimline 24mm frame Standard 38mm frame Slimline 24mm frame
1 255 227 305 277 211 183 180 152
2 455 427 555 527 367 339 305 277
3 655 627 805 777 523 495 430 402
4 855 827 1055 1027 679 651 555 527
5 1055 1027 1305 1277 835 807 680 652
6 1255 1227 1555 1527 991 963 805 777
7 1455 1427 1805 1777 1147 1119 930 902
8 1655 1627 2055 2027 1303 1275 1055 1027
9 1855 1827 2305 2277 1459 1431 1180 1152
10 2055 2027 2555 2527 1615 1587 1305 1277
11 2255 2227 2805 2777 1771 1743 1430 1402
12 2455 2427 3055 3027 1927 1899 1555 1527
13 2655 2627 3305 3277 2083 2055 1680 1652
14 2855 2827 3555 3527 2239 2211 1805 1777
15 3055 3027 3805 3777 2395 2367 1930 1902


Sizes shown below are aluminium frame sizes
Please allow 5-10mm clearance when constructing openings

(Height & Width in mm)
(Height & Width in mm)
(Height & Width in mm)
(Height & Width in mm)
Standard 38mm frame Slimline 24mm frame Standard 38mm frame Slimline 24mm frame Standard 38mm frame Slimline 24mm frame Standard 38mm frame Slimline 24mm frame
1 254 226 304 276 210 182 179 151
2 447 419 547 519 358 330 297 269
3 640 612 790 762 507 479 415 387
4 833 805 1033 1005 655 627 533 505
5 1026 998 1276 1248 804 776 651 623
6 1219 1191 1519 1491 952 924 769 741
7 1412 1384 1762 1734 1101 1073 887 859
8 1605 1577 2005 1977 1249 1221 1005 977
9 1798 1770 2248 2220 1398 1370 11223 1095
10 1991 1963 2491 2463 1546 1518 1241 1213
11 2184 2156 2734 2706 1695 1667 1359 1331
12 2377 2349 2977 2949 1843 1815 1477 1449
13 2570 2542 3220 3192 1992 1964 1595 1567
14 2763 2735 3463 3435 2140 2112 1713 1685
15 2956 2928 3706 3678 2289 2261 1831 1803


Seves glass blocks offer excellent thermal insulating properties while still allowing natural light transmission. When installed using Ezylay Installation Systems, they have been assessed and certified by WERS for both mortar & silicone installation.


Seves glass blocks also offer excellent acoustic properties. Varying acoustic ratings can be achieved by using different types of glass blocks. This makes glass blocks a great solution for blocking noise from busy roads, noisy neighbours, or even under commercial flight paths.


Glass blocks can be used to control the amount of light entering a room and also to control the degree of transparency, allowing for both comfort and privacy where required.
Standard, colorless glass blocks offer 80% light transmission, while lower levels can be obtained using color tinted or frosted (etched) glass blocks.
Seves glass blocks are available in a wide variety of designs offering various degrees of privacy, ranging from complete transparency to almost total obscurity.
Light Diffusing or Light Directing glass blocks can also be used to control the amount and direction/angle of light entering a room.
Please consult your Glass Brick Company representative for advice on which design will best suit your project requirements.


Range Glass brick type Light trans % U-value g-value % Sound (dB)
Design Q19 colorless 80 2.6 78 39
Design Q19 Nordica (grey) 50 2.6 67 39
Design Q19 Satin (etched) 61 2.6 68 39
Design Q19 Nordica Satin 33 2.6 57 39
Basic 1919/8 colorless 80 3.0 79 37
Basic 1919/8 grey tint 53 3.0 69 37
Tech. 1919/8 BSH20 71 2.8 69 42
Tech. 1919/8 F30 61 2.2 50 47
Tech. 1919/16 F60 50 1.8 50 49
Tech. 1919/16 F90 38 1.4 31 51


Another feature of glass blocks is their ability to meet high security standards. Different glass blocks have varying glass thicknesses and can be installed with varying degrees of reinforcement to provide the strength and security to suit your project needs.

Certain Technology range glass blocks have been subject to ballistic testing for bullet resistance, making them ideal for use in buildings where security is critical.

Residential applications:

  • Entry sidelights
  • Garage window
  • Storage area window
  • Enclosing balconies/entertaining areas

Commercial applications:

  • Banks
  • Police stations
  • Military establishments
  • Correctional facilities


Glass Brick Company exclusively uses Ezylay Glass Brick Installation Systems for both mortar and silicone installation. Ezylay Installation Systems have been tested and certified for wind loading and water penetration by a NATA approved testing laboratory. Ezylay’s superior framing and reinforcement systems allow even silicone jointed panels to be constructed up to 5 metres wide in external applications. Mortar jointed panels can be constructed to unlimited widths using expansion joints at least every 6 metres. Performance testing data is available on request.


Glass bricks can be constructed to form stunning curved walls around stairwells, as internal diving walls, or even as a shower screen. How tight the curve can be constructed depends on the width of the glass brick.


Calculating the dimensions and the required number of glass blocks

E = [(Lo + gv) x (1 + s/r)] – Lo
Np = r x π x a/[180/(Lo + go)]

E = size of the external vertical joint (cm)
Np = number of Vetroarredo pieces
Lo = length of the glass blocks (cm)
gv = size of the internal vertical joint (cm)
r = internal curvature radius (cm)
s = lateral thickness of glass blocks (cm)
a = angle between the development radius of the curve
π = 3.14
go = horizontal internal joint (cm)


When installing glass paving in trafficable areas, the glass pavers often need to comply with slip resistance requirements. This will most likely require the top of the glass pavers to be sandblasted to ensure they comply. Glass Brick Company have had Seves glass pavers tested and certified by the CSIRO for slip resistance to a rating of R10. Test certificate available on request.